A Hot & Humid Summer Solstice Afternoon

With the Temperatures in the Nineties and after All the Rain,

Out at Nine Mile Prairie lots of Species are Bursting Forth in Glory…

Reproduction is Nature’s Imperative &

Occupies Our Minds & Bodies

In these Warm, Moist Times…

A Visit to Grandmother Cottonwood


On yet another Damp Gray May Afternoon I walked across the Uplands noticing a Few New Flowers and Big Clouds Rolling over the Cold War Nuclear Bomb Bunkers and the Newish LES Power Poles, then Down into the Middle Draw past the Grove of Slender Middle-aged Cottonwoods where the Springs and Streams were Really Flowing. Nearby, over in the Big South Draw, is the Home of Old Grandmother Cottonwood. I first made Photographs of this Magnificent Tree in the 1980s. She and I are probably about the Same Age. And we Both have a Bit of Damage to Show for it. But this Wet Spring and all the Lush Green Foliage is Good for the Spirit and the Flesh…

A February Love Song


Wandering down into and back out of the moist West Draw

seeking images of impermanence and renewal &

visiting an old friend, the big fallen cottonwood…

on an unseasonably warm February afternoon.